If you would like to contact our school governors regarding any aspect of school, please contact our Chair of Governors on the following email address :

Christine Burgess
LA Governor and Chair

Sarah Taylor
Executive Headteacher

Helen Clegg
Staff Governor
Laura Wild
Co-opted Governor
Kate Atkinson
Parent governor

Duncan Berkshire
Co-opted Governor

Ilona Smalley
Foundation Governor
Jane Ball
Foundation Governor

Jessica Petchey
Parent Governor
Governing Body Strategic Goals
Quality of education
All our children have access to an outstanding education: a carefully planned, well balanced curriculum, delivered systematically with explicit opportunity for enrichment, inspiration, and cultural development.
Personal development
Our community are happy, well-rounded individuals who believe in themselves and have the courage to challenge themselves and others.
All leaders drive the school forward with integrity and fidelity. There is a culture of trust alongside challenge. Safeguarding is a priority for all stakeholders.
Behaviour and attitudes
Our children understand the Rule of Law and how to be a responsible citizen. They make the right choices and show integrity.
Our communities work positively together to support each other in achieving their goals through a shared culture of respect.
Governance statement for the year 2024
Annual Governance Information 2024 - 2025
Register of Interests
Instrument of Governance
Staff Governor
2 Parent Governors
LA Governor
2 Foundation Governors
3 Co-opted Governors
The Role of the Governors:
Our Governing Body is made up of parents, staff members, members of the community and representatives from the church. A governing body’s overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the head teacher to promote continuous improvement in the performance of the school. This involves the establishment of a development plan, the setting of challenging but achievable targets and the interpretation of information to assess progress and determine appropriate action. Aligned to its improvement role, the governing body is there to be a critical friend who can provide the right balance between supporting and challenging the performance of both the head teacher and the school.
How do we do this?
* Self-Evaluation, we look at what we do and what we can do to improve.
* Agree the School Development Plan and monitor its implementation.
* Ensure that the school meets its statutory and professional responsibilities as an employer and a provider of services to children.
* Plan how the school budget is to be used and monitor compliance with the Budget.
* Authorise the policies and strategies required to provide the best available education to children.
* Ensure the children have a safe and supportive environment.
* Review how the school meets its statutory responsibilities to provide for the needs of every individual child.
* Agree the appropriate staff structure for the school and ensure that staff is managed in a way that holds them to account for their performance and develops their potential for the future.
* Confirm that the voice of the children, parents and others with a legitimate interest in the school are heard and taken into account.
* Resolve any serious conflict within the school or between the school and parents.
* Appoint and support the staff of the school.
We meet as a full Governing Body at least eight times per year. Extraordinary meetings are arranged if circumstances warrant such action. Every year we elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from amongst the existing members of the Governing Body (employees at the School cannot be elected to these positions). The Governing Body also has a Clerk who arranges its meetings, circulates the agenda and papers, takes minutes of full meetings of the Governing Body, and circulates information to Governors from the Local Authority. Governors also have responsibilities for particular aspects of the school, these include Literacy, Numeracy, IT, Health & Safety, Child Protection, Special Needs and Finance.
If you would like to contact our school governors regarding any aspect of school, please contact our Chair of Governors on the following email address :