Weekly Update Thursday 12th February 2025
13 Feb 2025
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Young Voices
A huge
congratulations to all the children who attended Young Voices yesterday! You were absolutely amazing, and your energy and enthusiasm truly shone through. The experience was incredible, and it was wonderful to see everyone coming together to create such a memorable performance. You should all be so proud of your hard work and dedication. Keep shining, and here's to many more amazing moments like this!
Netball & Books and Biscuits
Both Netball club on Tuesday 25
th February and Books and Biscuits on Wednesday 26
th February are going ahead the week that we return to school after half term.
Exciting Kirkby in Bloom Competition!
Create a Picture to show how Green you would like to see our Village, how Eco-Friendly you think Kirkby could be, and to show how wildlife flourishes here. Your opportunity to make a real difference to our wonderful village community and there are prizes to be won!
-pale Childrens Competition flyer.pdf-
Valentines Day Bake Sale
Two of our pupils are raising money for a guides trip to Switzerland, please see the attached poster for further details.
-Valentines Day Bake sale.pdf-
Class Collective Worship
Each week one of our Collective Worship sessions takes place in class with a focus on something in the news. Attached is a take home that you might like to think about and share with your child at home, there is no need to return this to school. There is a new sheet each week.
-Take Home 13 Feb.pdf-
Forest School Wednesday
There will be no Wednesday Forest school sessions next half term.
Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication.
New dates are on the website and are as follows:
Friday 28
th February - Oak
Friday 7
th March - Acorn
Friday 14
th March - Palm
Friday 4
th April - Cedar
Children should come in comfy, warm clothes suitable for forest school. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please send uniform in a bag for the afternoon session.
Celebration and Sharing Collective Worship
Our next sharing celebration for parents has been rearranged for
Friday 21st March 2025.at 9am.
All welcome. Coffee and cake to follow.
If your child has anything they would like to celebrate over the coming weeks and leading up to this time, please ensure these come into school for sharing in class. This will then automatically be added to the list for the sharing worship. This will help us manage the amount things to share on the day and plan ahead for this.
Class PE days
The days for PE this term for each class are as follows:
Acorn – Friday (please come into school in PE kit as last term)
Oak – Friday
Palm - Friday
Cedar - Monday
Parent help - Postcards
As part of Geography and helping the children understand place and locational knowledge could I ask that if any parents or relatives are visiting places of interest or travelling to other destinations on day trips or on holidays that they pick up a postcard. They can either send to school by post or send the postcard with their child on return to school. We can then, together as a class, find, locate and investigate locations around the world. I am sure they will be eager to learn about who has been where and this will enthuse and encourage them to further their skills in using world maps, atlases and globes.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community…
Message from Masham Town Hall
UGG'n'OGG AND THE WORLD' S FIRST DOGG comes to Masham on Sunday 23rd February at 12 noon. A great show for 3-7 year olds and dog-lovers of all ages. Refreshments available for children and adults.
In the fresh sparkling world just after the last Ice Age, two young hunter-gatherers Ugg'n'Ogg called pal up with the wolves Tooth'n’Claw and embark on a fun-packed adventure where they end up inventing the dog and saving us all from a life of doglessness. Brought to you by award winning children’s theatre company Fideri Fidera, Ugg ‘n’ Ogg and the World’s First Dogg has a rich mix of physical comedy, puppets, music and song.
All tickets just £6, available here or at Masham Community Office, 01765-680200.
The play ends by celebrating the invention of the dog and we invite children on stage to meet the world's first Dogg. We would love children to bring their favourite soft toy dog to join in the celebration (other animal soft toys welcome too!)
There's a trailer here, the song is very catchy!
Message from Outdoor Adventures
A sought after space has become available in our Woodland Wellbeing Saturday sessions, held in the beautiful wildlife area at Moorside School in Ripon. These are small group sessions, run by our qualified and experienced staff, using a Therapeutic Forest School approach. They support children with their physical, social and emotional wellbeing, and are aimed at children who may normally struggle to access extra curricular activities.

Drumming Sessions - see below
