Weekly Update Thursday 19th December 2024
19 Dec 2024
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. The staff would also like to say a big thank you for all of the generous gifts and lovely cards they have received over the last couple of weeks. It is much appreciated and the sweet treats have kept us all going at this busy time of year. Thank you once again, Kirkby Malzeard Team.
Early Finish on the last day of term
A reminder that we finish at 2pm on the last day of school, Friday 20
th December for the Christmas holiday.
Learn to Read Books
This week children will be reading for pleasure in school, but will not be bringing home Learn to Read books.
We are collecting in all books to conduct an audit and mend any damaged copies, ready to start again in January. Thank you for your understanding.
Enrichment clubs
Please see the separate email sent out today.
Forest School Wednesday
In the new term half term
Acorn will have their forest school sessions
EVERY Wednesday. Children need to bring with them appropriate clothing and footwear to be outside all afternoon. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please make sure that these items are named.
Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication. Dates are as follows:
Friday 10
th January – Cedar
Friday 17
th January – Palm
Friday 24
th January – Oak
Friday 31
st January – Acorn
Children should come in comfy, warm clothes suitable for forest school. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please send uniform in a bag for the afternoon session.
Sharing Celebration Worship
Our next sharing celebration for parents will be just before February half term. If your child has anything they would like to celebrate over the coming weeks and leading up to this time, please ensure these come into school for sharing in class. This will then automatically be added to the list for the sharing worship. This will help us manage the amount things to share on the day and plan ahead for this.
Found Property
If anyone has lost a delicate gold coloured chain with a small pendant which was found in school on Thursday evening, please contact the school office.
Netball Super Cup
Payment for tickets and/or transport for the netball super cup visit in March next year have been loaded onto Parent Pay and are now due. Thank you to those parents who have already made payment.
Parent help - Postcards
As part of Geography and helping the children understand place and locational knowledge could I ask that if any parents or relatives are visiting places of interest or travelling to other destinations on day trips or on holidays that they pick up a postcard. They can either send to school by post or send the postcard with their child on return to school. We can then, together as a class, find, locate and investigate locations around the world. I am sure they will be eager to learn about who has been where and this will enthuse and encourage them to further their skills in using world maps, atlases and globes.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community…