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Weekly update Thursday 20th June 2024

20 Jun 2024

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Class Structure for next year
The class structure from September 2024 will remain the same as it is now, with teaching staff remaining in the class they are in now.
Children will have the opportunity to visit their new classes and experience a taster session in these on the morning of Wednesday 10th July.
Acorn Class – Reception and Year One
Oak Class – Year Two
Palm Class – Year Three and Four
Cedar Class – Year Five and Six
Mrs Harris and Mrs Wilson
Sadly, we will be saying good bye to Mrs Harris and Mrs Wilson at the end of the school year.  Mrs Harris is becoming very busy with her community music projects and wishes to dedicate more time to this and Mrs Wilson is relocating to the South due to family work changes.
We will be extremely sorry to see them leave and wish them well in their future adventures.
A collection for these staff members is taking place. If you would like to contribute to these, please leave your donation in the school office with Mrs Phillips for safe keeping.
Matilda Tickets
All the information for these has been shared with parents via email on 11th June.  Unfortunately, a few families have requested additional tickets but forgotten to add their names to the online form. If you have requested additional tickets, please go back online and check that you have added your name to the form as we would hate for anyone to miss out.  See quick link https://forms.office.com/e/ddEs0qzmBs
These additional tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis on Thursday 27th June. You will be notified if you have secured these tickets by email after this date.
School Library
We are currently facing some difficulties with our school library system and therefore have been unable to issue new books.  We hope for this to be resolved very soon and we thank you for your patience.
Wellbeing day
Our end of year school wellbeing day is now in the planning stages. Our Year Fives are taking responsibility for organising this this year. Back by very popular demand will be our ‘Wild Water Day’. Keep an eye out for more information around this shortly, and for requests from our Year Fives for things from home to make this fun.
The end of year is fast approaching and the children have some fantastic work to share with you. To celebrate their hard work this year, each class will be inviting parents into school for a busy end so the children can show you the work from this year that they are proud of. This will be held on different days for different classes and class teachers will be in touch with a date shortly.
Forest School Wednesday
This half term Cedar will have their forest school sessions EVERY Wednesday. Children need to bring with them appropriate clothing and footwear to be outside all afternoon.  Please make sure that these items are named. Please note legs need to be covered due to nettles in the wildlife area. 
Forest School Friday next term
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around being spiritually, mentally and physically healthy.  Please ensure children come to school in their forest school clothing, which must include long trousers or leggings.
Friday 21st June - Palm Class Forest School 
Friday 28th June - Cedar Class Forest School
Clubs Update
A reminder that there is no Gardening Club on Wednesday 26th June and also that Books and Biscuits will be cancelled on Thursday 27th June due to the Friends Fun Run, please see further details below. 
Swimming - Wednesdays this term
Swimming lessons this term continue this term for Acorn class.. 
Come to school wearing PE joggers and t-shirt and a school sweater/cardigan, NO TIGHTS. Please ensure everything is named this will help us get changed quickly to get in the pool and a prompt return to school.
Swimming caps are essential (these can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £2.50 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name) 
Children will need: 
One-piece costume for girls & shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please).  
Towel, Goggles (optional), Long hair tied up  

School is asking for a voluntary contribution of £7.20 per session which is payable via parent pay to cover the swim lesson and the coach transport.
Please note, if school does not receive enough contributions this activity will not continue to go ahead.
School Uniform
As the weather has improved please can we ensure that children come to school with a sun hat and wearing sunscreen.  Don’t forget a waterproof coat, just in case!
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community…
Message from Friends
The friends of Kirkby Malzeard School have organised a sponsored fun run on Thursday 27th June 2024 and would love it if as many pupils as possible can take part.
Parents can collect their children from school at normal time, in time for a 3.45PM start on the school field. The children will have 30 minutes to run, jog, walk or skip as many laps of the field as they can until 4.15PM.
Hot dogs and soft drinks will then be available for children, siblings and parents at £1.50 per person. Pre-orders would be ideal and can be ordered through your class rep or via email to friendskmschool@gmail.com, although some will be available to purchase on the day. The event should be finished by 5PM at the latest.
Please add the date to your diary for this fun event and look out for the sponsorship forms which will be sent home with your child shortly.

Message from Outdoor Adventures Team
We are once again running our extremely popular Holiday Club in the first 2 weeks of the summer holidays. 
We still have some spaces available, especially in the second half of week 2, and we'd love to offer the spaces to the children in our schools.
Our Forest School holiday club is held in the woods behind Admiral Long School in Burnt Yates. It is £32 per day, 9am -3pm. We provide hot drinks and campfire snacks, and we ask that children bring a pack up for their lunch. 
Holiday club dates:
Monday 22nd July - last few spaces remaining
Tuesday 23rd July - last few spaces remaining
Thursday 25th July - FULLY BOOKED
Friday 26th July - last few spaces remaining
Monday 29th July - FULLY BOOKED
Tuesday 30th July - last few spaces remaining
Thursday 1st August - spaces available
Friday 2nd August - spaces available
For more information and to download a booking form please join our Facebook page 'Outdoor Adventures Forest School'. Our email for bookings is outdooradventuresbookings@gmail.com.





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