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Weekly Updates - Week Beginning 14th November 2022

Mrs Wolfe - 11 Nov 2022

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
Our School Council have done a tremendous job selling poppies at lunchtime these last few weeks.  Pupils wore their poppies for our Act of Remembrance today, which took place outside.  We took a moment of silence and reflection and then listened to the bells of St Andrews Church.
Thank you for supporting us in our fundraising for the Royal British Legion and a big thank you to the School Council for organising this.
Children in Need – 18th November
The School Council met to make plans for this fantastic event which will be held next Friday.  They came up with a plethora of fun and exciting fundraising ideas and decided on the following:
  • ‘Dress-up’ – Pupils may pay £1 to dress up for the day.  The theme is ‘spotacular’ (spots), ‘Pudsey’ or alternatively they can come to school in non-school uniform.
  • ‘Break-time Pudsey Games’ – The School Council have organised some fun games that pupils can enjoy on Friday lunch break, which include ‘Cover the Pudsey Face in Coins’, ‘Pin the Bandana on Pudsey’ and much, much more…Teachers have donated some ‘Pudsey-themed’ prizes for some of the games.
Games will cost 50p-£1 and small change can be brought in to fill the Pudsey face.We ask that children do not bring notes in for this and suggest no more than £5 (£1 and 50p coins or less in change please).If children do bring money into school, we request that it is sent in with them in a named purse, wallet or envelope and handed to the class teacher on their arrival to school, thank you.
  • ‘Toys & Children’s Book Stall’ – At the end of the day the School Council will be running a small toy and book sale, which pupils and parents are invited to attend.  If the weather is dry the sale will take place on the playground – if inclement, in the Hall.  
To run the toy and book stall we need donations!  If you have any toys or children’s books you can donate, please send in to classes and our councillors will organise the donated items ready for our sale.
Thank you for supporting us with this fantastic fundraising event!  We look forward to a ‘spotacular’ day!
Patronal Festival – 26th November
We have been busy learning our songs for the Patronal Festival this week and the children sound amazing!  We will be sending out a message in the next few weeks to see how many of our children will be attending, so that we can be ready for our performance! We will be singing at the Patronal Festival on 26th November 2022 at 10:30am, which will be held this year in the Mechanics Institute.  We really hope that our children will come along and sing at the festival and that families can join us for this great community event.  If children wish to attend they must be accompanied by an adult and wear their school jumper.  We look forward to seeing you there.
Crucial Crew 17th November (Cedar Class)
Cedar Class will be taking part in ‘Crucial Crew’ next Thursday afternoon at Carlton Lodge.
Crucial Crew is a multi-agency event organised through schools, by the police and supported by the fire service.  They aim to raise awareness of safety issues to school children in Year 6. 
Information regarding this will be sent out to Cedar parents from Mr Anson.

Forest School
Oak Class Forest School sessions will continue until Christmas. Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for this along with waterproof trousers and coats.  Oak class may bring their Children in Need dress up clothes/non-school uniform clothes in a bag and get changed after their Forest School session.

Reading For Pleasure
Please keep encouraging the children to read for pleasure at home – it is having such an impact on our children, in so many ways!  Once this is recorded in your child’s reading record this counts towards their next star on our ‘Reading Galaxy’ – which, I am happy to say, is getting very full!
Swimming lessons continue for Palm Class this half term   
Children will need: 
  • Swim cap (These can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £1.00 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name)  
  • One-piece costume for girls and shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please). 
  • Towel   
  • Goggles (optional)  
  • Long hair tied up  
Scheme Reading Boo​ks
Just a reminder that Little Wandle reading books need to be returned each week.  If you are unsure of the day, this will be in your child’s reading record.  It is crucial that these books are returned on time to enable all of our children on the Little Wandle scheme to access the books they need.  Thank you for your support with this – it really is important.

Health & Safety Updates
Just a reminder that we have a recurring knotweed issue on the pebbled area that runs alongside the main school building between the bandstand and the black gate leading into the playground.  Please use the pathway only and do not walk on this area.  Please prevent children from running/playing on this area – knotweed is a very invasive plant and spreads rapidly.  Our garden maintenance team repeatedly treat this problem for us.
Scooters & Bicycles
Please be advised that pupils and their siblings should not ride their scooters/bicycles on the paths or playground areas.  Thank you for helping us keep our children safe.

Safeguarding, Mental health and Wellbeing Updates
Well-being Ambassadors
Our Well-being Ambassadors will be attending a meeting with their fellow ambassadors in the school cluster next Thursday 17th November.  They will be meeting to discuss their well-being policies and motifs for the group. We’re looking forward to hearing about their well-being ideas for school, on their return.
Crucial Crew 
Click Here to find out more about the North Yorkshire Police Crucial Crew Campaign.
Anti-Bullying Week
Next week is Anti-bullying week and this year's theme is 'Reach Out'.   It is coordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, which is based at leading children’s charity the National Children’s Bureau   We will be exploring this theme throughout the week, as well as in our PSHE sessions. 

'Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out. Whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, let’s reach out and show each other the support we need. Reach out to someone you trust if you need to talk. Reach out to someone you know is being bullied. Reach out and consider a new approach. And it doesn’t stop with young people. From teachers to parents and influencers to politicians, we all have a responsibility to help each other reach out. Together, let’s be the change we want to see. Reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples and create kinder communities. It takes courage, but it can change lives. So, this Anti-Bullying Week, let’s come together and reach out to stop bullying.' - Anti-Bullying Alliance, 2022

This May Help...
This May Help has been created to support parents and carers with concerns about their child’s mental health. Click here to access the website: https://thismayhelp.me/ 
The subjects covered on this website have been chosen by families and young people who have gone through their own mental health challenges. What helped them may also help you. The films offer advice across six main subject areas, with ten additional films offering supporting information. The films can be viewed in any order at any time. Each film has a dedicated page where you’ll also find helpful advice and links to other resources.

SEND Partnership Newsletter
Click newsletter to access the new North Yorkshire SEND Partnership Newsletter
This newsletter is designed to share information with parents/carers, schools and professionals and has been co-produced by Inclusion, Parent Carer Voice, Health, Children and Families, HAS, Public Health, Education and Skills, SENDIASS and Youth Voice.  

One newsletter which ensures messages are shared in one place.
The best way to view this newsletter is on your smart phone or tablet and you can easily navigate your way through it by clicking on the icon next to the arrows which will give you an index of all the sections you can jump straight to.
Solihull Approach online parenting courses are FREE for all North Yorkshire parents, carers and foster carers
Visit the website: www.inourplace.co.uk and add the access code NYFAMILIES
Courses include: Understanding your baby, Understanding your Child, Understanding your child with additional needs, Understanding your teenager and Understanding your child’s mental health.
NEW - Launched March 2021: Be Aware Knowledge Hub

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