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Weekly update 10/03/2023

10 Mar 2023

Weekly Updates – 10/03/2023
Good morning,
Please see below for any updates for the week ahead.
In school next week...
Good morning,
Please see below for any updates for the week ahead.
In school next week
Swimming lessons on Thursday for Oak Class.   
Children will need:  
Swim cap (These can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £1.00 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name)  
One-piece costume for girls and shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please).  
Goggles (optional)  
Long hair tied up  
Reading Books  
Just a reminder that Oak and Acorn Class readers need to be returned every Friday please.  

Sports Cool
Tuesdays - please make sure you have booked direct if you would like your child to attend. 
Forest School  
Cedar class continue forest school sessions each Friday until half term. Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for this along with waterproof trousers and coats.   

Science Week - 13th March
This week across the Federation we are celebrating "Connections" in Science.  In Key Stage 2, we have Specsavers coming into class to talk to us about how our eye works and how light enters it, this will support our current unit on Light.  We also have each class doing a webinar with the Science Farm Live!  KS1 are looking at "How are tractors connected to space?", Lower Key Stage 2 will be involved with "How are pigs connected to Jumbo Jets?" and finally Upper Key Stage 2 are thinking about "How are sheep connected to seaweed?".  There are also going to be fun and investigatory sessions where the children make connections - using electricity or their investigating their fingerprints or seeing how colours could fizz...to name just a few. 
Red Nose Day 
Our school council have been busy meeting, planning and organising lots of fundraising events for Red Nose Day in aid of comic relief next week. They are asking for pupils to come dressed up in red for a donation of £1 - there will be a competition for the 'reddest' costume worn and a prize on offer. At lunch time the council will be running a ‘red nose hunt’ on the field - 50p to enter. Finally, after school the children will be running a tombola and bake sale - any donations will be gratefully received (e.g. toys, books, games, box of biscuits or chocolates), please give to your child's class teacher next week and drop any baking off on the day. The council have set themselves a target to beat our Children in Need total of £239.74 from November - fingers crossed! 
Parent Carer Voice
Please see attached flyer for a brunch opportunity on Thursday 14th March. 

Other information:
Snow procedures
Full closure or late start
 An email will be sent to all parents to advise them that the school will be closed or that a later start is needed. We shall aim to do this by 8am. Please be aware that it is difficult to let parents know any earlier than this as often staff are still trying to make their way to school in difficult conditions.
 Breakfast Club.
Please contact school via phone before setting off to breakfast club. If there is no answer, please assume there are no staff on site and breakfast club is unavailable on this day.
Continued closure
The weather will be monitored on a daily basis and the above process repeated each morning if necessary. We will not contact you if the school is open.

Young Voices
Young Voices - Charity single
Following our performances of the song 'Proud' with Heather Small, Young Voices are releasing a charity single featuring all the of the children's voices from performances this year. All UK proceeds will be donated to children’s mental health charity Place2Be. Follow this link to buy: https://www.youngvoices.co.uk/proud-charity-single 

Parents Evening
You are warmly invited to meet with your child’s class teacher on the afternoon of  Tuesday 14th March to discuss his/her progress.  Parent consultation meetings help both teachers and parents to have a good understanding of how we can all best support your child’s learning so we really hope you can make it.  From Monday, you will be able to book your slot via the school website in the usual way.

Drinks bottles
Please can we remind people that drinks bottles are in school everyday. Drinks should be water not juice, bottles need to be drinks bottles rather than sippy cups. Please can we help children to carry bottles rather than add them to book bags as they can leak and ruin books.
Outdoor clothing 
Please can children all come to school warmly dressed for outdoor learning, all of our children spend time outside everyday. Children need warm hats, scarfs and gloves as well as a warm waterproof coat.
Please can we remind all parents that unless they have specific access requirements, you must NOT use the school car park as this is causing issues.

Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates
 Warning about Roblox 
Due to the popularity of online gaming platform Roblox with children and young people under the age of 16, online safety experts have released this Safeguarding Update about a collection of games trending within the platform. The games depict themes of isolation, cutting, and suicide with some including chatrooms where users engage in unmoderated discussions around hopelessness, depression, self-harm, and suicide. 
Several of these depression room games on Roblox have up to 5.6 million visits and are advertised as being appropriate for ‘all ages’. Despite being explicitly against the platform’s Terms of Service, Roblox have failed to remove most of these harmful games from the platform at this time. 
Please see below the link to this full article 
We recommend you monitor your child when they are playing online games with others to ensure that they are behaving respectfully.



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