Weekly update Thursday 19th October 2023
19 Oct 2023
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Message from Friends
Friends are holding their AGM on Friday the 27th of October at 2.30 in the school hall. All are welcome, we will discuss last year’s fundraising and this year’s exciting plans. For new Parents and Carers, Friends are a group of people who fundraise to support school for example, helping fund school trips, refreshments at events and more strategic help such as new school book schemes and classroom improvements. We have lots of fun along the way too! We look forward to seeing you on the 27th.
Thank you from Friends
Busy End Years 1-6
On Tuesday 24th October 2023 at 2.45pm, parents are invited to visit class and to join in with our science learning.
Murton Park School Trip KS2
On Thursday 26th October 2023, Year 3 and 4 are going to Murton park for a Stone Age Immersive Day. On Friday 27th October 2023, Year 5 and 6 are going to Murton park for a Stone Age Immersive Day. Please make sure you have responded via the website to give your consent by Friday 20
th October (tomorrow).
Reception starters 2024
Is your child due to start school in September 2024, or do you know somebody who is? Please book in to come and have a tour of our school and see all of the exciting things we have to offer. Attached is a letter from NYCC which includes lots of information for parents on how to apply for your child’s school place in September. Please note the deadline for applications is 15
th January 2024. Please follow
this link for the letter.
New dates added to the diary …
No new dates this week
Football competition at Bishop Monkton
The second football competition will be taking place on Monday 23
rdOctober 2023 12:30 - 2:30pm, for Years 5/6. Parents of the children taking part have been informed separately.
Parent consultations
Parent Consultations will be held on Wednesday 8
th November 2023 between 1.00pm -5.45pm. The booking slots for these have been sent out via the website. Please book your slots.
KS2 Parents Meeting
There will be a meeting for parents of Year 3/4 and 5/6 on Tuesday 14
thNovember at 5.00pm. This will be to discuss the Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum and offers an opportunity for parents to ask any questions they may have about this.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
A few of our children have shared that they access the websites below.
Please find some information that may be useful in terms of safeguarding your children on these sites.
A parents guide to Fortnite: Battle Royale - UK Safer Internet Centre
Roblox - a guide for parents - UK Safer Internet Centre
News from the Wider Community…