Weekly Update Week commencing 18th September
Mrs P Phillips - 14 Sep 2023
Weekly update
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Year Six Bikeability Training
Level One Tuesday 19th September
Level Two Thursday 21st September
Please see the letter and consent form attached regarding Bikeability for Year 6 children only.
Lunch Club - We are looking forward to joining Kirkby Malzeard Community Lunch Club on Tuesday 19th September. Parents of the children who will be taking part will be informed separately.
Jeans for Genes Day - On Friday 22nd September we will be celebrating Jeans for Genes Day. Please wear your jeans (or similar) and non-uniform to school. If you are happy to make a donation of £1.00 to this charity, please send it in with your child on this day, thank you in advance.
International Day of Peace – In school next week we will be thinking about International Day of Peace. This is extra special to us as Peace is one of our School Christian Values.
Gardening Club News – Our school gardening club entered the Village Produce show this year and we are delighted to share the news of our fabulous wins. Prizes were 2nd for tallest sunflower, 1st for largest sunflower head, 1st for a courgette and 1st for celery!
A huge thank you to Pippa Manson for all her hard work with our gardening club and keeping our school looking beautiful.
Swimming lessons are on a Wednesday for Year 2 and 3.
Swim lesson return time:
The children will return from swimming at the end of the day. Estimated return time from swimming for collection is between 3.35-3.40pm.
Payments for swimming and Parent Pay.
All payments have been added to your account. We thank parents in advance for settling these as soon as possible and no later than Friday 15th September 2023.
Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication. Dates are as follows:
Cedar Class - 15th September2023
Palm Class - 22nd September 2023
Oak Class - 29th September 2023
Acorn Class - 6th October 2023
Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for forest school, along with waterproof trousers and coats. Please no shorts.
Clubs & Activities
The clubs running in school this term are:
Monday - Gardening Club
Tuesday - Sports Cool Football (book direct)
Wednesday - Kidslingo French Club (at lunchtime, book direct) and Music Club (after school)
Thursday - Books & Biscuits or Shine Club
Friday - Dance with Diane
If you wish your child to be added to any of these clubs please contact the office on admin@kirkbymalzeard.n-yorks.sch.uk to see if there is space available.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates
This is a great website for parents worried about medical things there is a whole section on ‘should I send my child to school today’.
News from the Wider Community
Raring2go! Harrogate & York magazine - The Autumn magazine is out now and is available, it’s got lots of ideas for the Autumn season. It covers events and activities throughout September, Oct and early November. Please see the link below:
Please see the posters below: