Weekly Update for Summer term
Mrs P Phillips - 30 Mar 2023
Weekly Updates
Good morning,
Please see below for any updates for week commencing Tuesday 18th April
Swimming lessons on Wednesday for
Acorn Class.
Children will need:
Swim cap (These can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £1.00 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name)
One-piece costume for girls and shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please).
Goggles (optional)
Long hair tied up
Forest School
Cedar class will be doing forest school sessions each Friday until at least half term. Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for this along with waterproof trousers and coats.
Science Immersive Experiences:
In our first week of the Summer term, we have 2 very exciting workshops in school: Tuesday 18
th April an Animal Welfare workshop and Thursday 20
th April workshops provided by the Education Group. They will be wonderful, hands on events where the children will re-cap and consolidate their learning from last year when they covered the units: Living things and their Habitats and Animals including Humans. The Education Group's workshop will be a Virtual Reality experience where the children will be "shrunk" down in size with the use of VR headsets and experience life as either a mini beast in the garden, or be transported into the circulatory system of a human. What a way to start a new term!
Clubs & Activities
Clubs and activities are being organised differently after Easter. We will send out an email for each club, please click on the link to respond. Parent pay will be set up at the beginning of next term, once we know who is attending each club.
We will be offering the following clubs:
Gardening Club – Monday 3.30-4.30
Gardening club with Pippa and Mrs Wilcox, please provide appropriate clothing (old clothes & wellies, as the children will get muddy). All ages - Max 12
Gardening will be held on 24 April, 5 June, 12 June and 19 June and 10 July.
5 sessions will cost £22.50 (£4.50 each session) Payment will be via Parent pay.
Those already booked through Whizz kids will attend the club automatically.
Sports Cool –Basketball - Tuesday 3.30-4.30
Parents to book directly with Sports Cool – please see the attached flyer or book with Chris 07494 76093. It starts Tuesday 25 April (the second week back).
Dance with Diane – Wednesday 3.30-4.30
Every Wednesday starting 19 April - Years Reception, One, Two and Three only. Payment will be via Parent pay.
Golden Thread - Thursday 3.30-4.30
In the Summer term our Golden Thread will be to understand and embrace the wider world and also to be spiritually, mentally and physically healthy.
Our Thursday Golden Thread club will include Books and Biscuits, Shine and Martial Arts.
Books and Biscuits will be held on 20 April and 6 July.
Shine will be held on 25 May and 8 June.
Both of these clubs are free to all.
Martial Arts will be held over 8 sessions, on 27 April, 4 May, 11 May, 18 May, 15 June, 22 June, 29 June and 13 July. There is a maximum of 20 places. See attached leaflet for further information and prices.