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Weekly update week commencing Monday 3rd July 2023

Mrs P Phillips - 05 Jul 2023

  -HMC Open Morning 2023-V394713703.pdf-  

Good Afternoon,
New this week,
Change to Forest school  
Oak class will be doing a forest school session on the afternoon of Wednesday 5th July only.  Please come to school wearing your Forest School clothing. 
KS2 Production
The KS2 Production of ‘The island that rocks’ takes place on Wednesday 5th July 2023. Please help your children to practice their lines over the weekend ready for our dress rehearsal on Monday 3rd July. A couple of reminders: all costumes need to be in school in a named carrier bag by Friday 30th June; emails were sent out this week for ticket requests, the deadline for requesting tickets is 9am Friday 30th June, after this time requests cannot be taken.  We are all very excited and looking forward to seeing the production and celebrating our fabulous students.
New Starters
We are welcoming our new starters into school again to spend some time with Acorn class on Tuesday 4th July.  A reminder that the new starter parents are invited to an additional parents meeting on Tuesday 11th July, please see your email regarding this.
Ripon Cathedral Leavers Service
Our Year 6 children will be attending the Leavers Service at the Cathedral on Friday 7th July.  An email will be sent to parents with specific information regarding this event.
Message from Friends of Kirkby Malzeard school
Pop up curries are still available to order, please telephone 01765 658862 or 07711062690, or email jo04vet@gmail.  

Thank you for your support as always!
Lost Property
As the school year is ending, we are noticing a build-up of lost property that is unnamed. Please keep checking your child's belongings to ensure they are clearly named - this means we can get them back to you if they are misplaced. Please also keep an eye on the playground before and after school where we will place any belongings that need to be claimed. 
Sports Day Afternoon
Our Sports Afternoon has been rescheduled for Friday 30th June starting at 1.30pm. Refreshments for parents and carers will be available from 1.00pm on the school field.  We would like to thank Friends for supporting us with this. 
Children need to come to school on Friday wearing full PE kit.  If your child would like to wear a t-shirt of their dale colour, they may do so. (Nidderdale = yellow, Swaledale = blue, Wensleydale = red)
Please ensure children have a sun hat, sun cream or a rain coat (if needed) and a water bottle.
All children need to come to school with a sun hat and a waterproof coat as our weather can be unpredictable.  Children without a coat will not be able to play outside in the rain.
School Photographs
We are welcoming Rachel-Evelyn from Sweetpea Photography on â€‹Monday 10th July 2023.  Rachel comes recommended by Nikki Mitchel who has done our school photos in previous years.   Rachel will be working with both School and Pre-school during the day to take photos of the children individually and with their siblings. As well as a group photo of our Year 6 children. 
Swimming lessons are on a Wednesday for Acorn Class.   
Children will need:  
Swimming caps are essential (These can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £2.50 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name)  
One-piece costume for girls and shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please).  
Goggles (optional)  
Long hair tied up  
Swim lesson return time:
Due to a change in lesson time, the children will be a few minutes late returning to school from swimming at the end of the day. Estimated return time from swimming for collection is between 3.35-3.40pm.

Bus times:
The swim bus is also the bus which delivers children home to Laverton and Dallowgill. Therefore, please note that the return of the bus to take children home on each Wednesday this term may also be delayed by 5-10 minutes.
Payments for swimming and Parent Pay.
All payments have been added to your account. We thank parents in advance for settling these as soon as possible.

Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around staying spiritually and mentally healthy. Dates are as follows:

Cedar Class - 30th June 2023

Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for forest school, along with waterproof trousers and coats.  Please no shorts.
Save the date - Year 6 parents only
Our Leavers service will take place on Thursday 20th July at 2pm, more details to follow.
Clubs & Activities

Clubs and activities have been organised differently this term.  An email for each club has been sent, to sign your child up simply click to respond. If the club is provided by an outside provider, please contact them directly.  We will be offering the following clubs:

Gardening Club – Monday 3.30-4.30
Gardening club with Pippa and Mrs Wilcox, please provide appropriate clothing (old clothes & wellies, as the children will get muddy) open to all ages.  
Gardening will be held on 24th April, 5 June, 12 June and 19 June and 10 July.
5 sessions will cost £22.50 (£4.50 each session) Payment will be via Parent pay. 
Those already booked through Whizz kids will attend the club automatically.  
Sports Cool - Rounders - Tuesday 3.30-4.30
Rounders is cancelled for the remainder of the term, please see communication sent directly from Chris to obtain a refund.

Dance with Diane – Wednesday 3.30-4.30
Every Wednesday - Years Reception, One, Two and Three only.  Payment will be via Parent pay.
Golden Thread - Thursday 3.30-4.30
Our final Golden Thread Club this term will be Books and Biscuits and will be held on Thursday 29th June and Thursday 6th July. This club is free to all.

Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates
Sun safety 
Finally, we have some sunshine! We are delighted but it is important we keep the children safe during these sunny periods. Please ensure your child has the following on hot sunny days to keep them safe: sun hat/cap, water bottle and suncream applied before arriving at school.  If you wish, you may also provide your child with suncream to top-up at school; this needs to be a named bottle and your child will need to apply it themselves (adults will supervise and support as necessary for each age-group). Please take extra care to ensure your suncream does not contain any nut ingredients or extracts - thank you. 

On-line Safety 
For tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online please follow the link below:
Messages from the Wider Community
Please see the attached letter from Harrogate Music Centre, who are hosting an Open Morning on Saturday 1st July 2023 and details of summer tennis below.

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