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Weekly Updates - Week Beginning 28th November 2022

Mrs Wolfe - 25 Nov 2022

Admin/Office Update
As you will be aware, we are currently short staffed in the administrative department across the federation.
We thank parents for their patience whilst we undertake ongoing recruitment in this area.
Children in Need Fundraising Update
Our school councillors did a final count earlier in the week and we managed to raise over £250 for Children in Need!  Well done to everyone for their support and effort towards this fantastic cause.

Patronal Festival – 26th November
We have had an amazing response to the Patronal singing.  Thank you for completing the reply form sent out by Mrs Pawson. 
If your child is singing at the Patronal Festival, please ensure that they arrive, wearing their school jumper, no later than 10:20am.  We will meet at the stage area in the mechanics and get organised for our performance. Please note, any child attending must be accompanied by an adult.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumper Day – 12th December
Mrs Wilcox is busy organising our Christmas dinner, which we will be enjoying on the 12th December.  Please look out for the message sent via the website today, which requests you to notify us whether or not your child would like a Christmas dinner.  If your child wishes to have a vegetarian option, please notify us in the comments box when returning your reply.
Please respond via the website no later than Wednesday 30th November.

We are also fundraising for Save the Children on this date and will be doing so by wearing our Christmas jumpers to school for a £1 donation.  This will also be a non-school uniform day.

Acorn & Oak Nativity – 15th December
We are really looking forward to our Nativity on the 15th December and hope that you will be able to join us.  Performances will be at 2pm and 6pm. Mrs Pawson & Miss Oates will be in touch next week with further information regarding this.

Forest School – Please Note Change of Classes
As Oak Class will now be rehearsing for their Nativity performance over the next few weeks, Cedar Class have been allocated two Forest School sessions before the end of term.  Children should arrive at school in old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for this, along with waterproof trousers and coats.  Cedar pupils need to bring their school uniform to school each Friday to change into following their Forest School session. There will be no Forest School on the last day of term.

Reading for Pleasure & Reading Practice Books
We are always keen to gather pupil voice with regards to the children’s learning and curriculum.  Following our Pupil Voice meetings this week with the children we wanted to share an update regarding the different types of reading books we enjoy in school. 
Reading for Practice Books – these are the books that children use to practice learning how to read with decoding, their fluency and prosody.  These books could be Little Wandle scheme books, Little Wandle Rapid scheme books, or Oxford scheme books.
Reading for Pleasure Books – these are books that your child chooses to read independently, or have read to them – their own choice of reading material.  This could be a book from the class library, the school library, or something they are reading at home.  Pupils may take a reading for pleasure book home from school each day – we do ask that this is returned to school daily.  We will keep a record of books taken home and if not returned by the end of the school academic year we will have to ask parents to reimburse the cost of this, thank you.
Local Library Reading Challenge
North Yorkshire Libraries have launched an exciting Christmas Reading Challenge.